Thursday, 15 March 2012

Slim Browser

Posted By: Mahey - 05:22:00

Firefox and Internet Explorer are still dominating
the browser world, but there are a lot of other similar apps out there
that could do the same things at least as good as the two kings.

is one possible solution for all people who want to try something new,
and although it could sound a little bit impossible, it could even take
the place of Firefox or IE in your heart.

The browser is based on
the Internet Explorer engine, so it comes with all features bundled
into Microsoft’s application, but also with a lot of other goodies that
could make your browsing experience a lot more attractive.

of all, it comes with tab support and although this isn’t such an
innovative feature anymore, it’s still good that it’s there. Of course,
there are several settings to modify tabbing behavior, so you can easily
change the way you close or open a new tab.

But SlimBrowser has a
lot more than that. It tackles the social networking frenzy pretty well
with dedicated Facebook support to share a text, a link or update the
status on the go, but at the same time it lets the user share a link on
popular services such as Twitter or Google Buzz.

Popup blocking
features are still there, so are the privacy ones to remove history and
temporary files on the go, but one really great feature is the auto-form
filler. This way, you can auto complete forms you find online
automatically, so you don’t have to write down the same contact info
over and over again.

In case you’re wondering what’s with the
ad-supported flag that’s shown  it’s because SlimBrowser
includes some add-ons, such as a custom search engine, that could help
developers generate income when users access them.

But all in
all, SlimBrowser is a pretty slim way of browsing the Internet, and as
long as you don’t fall in love with Firefox or Internet Explorer, it
would be a great idea to give this one a try too



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