Thursday, 15 March 2012

Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection

Posted By: Mahey - 05:44:00

Contains multiple standalone versions of Mozilla Firefox plus Firebug and Web Developer add-ons

Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection is a utility that
contains multiple versions of the free web browser Mozilla Firefox,
which are standalone so they can be used at the same time. In Utilu
Mozilla Firefox Collection  you can quickly see how your websites look
when rendered using different versions of the Gecko render engine.

can specify the filenames or locations (URLs) to open in all installed
versions of Mozilla Firefox. The version number of each included version
of Mozilla Firefox can be found in the titlebar.

Utilu Mozilla
Firefox Collection also includes the Firebug and Web Developer add-ons
for all included versions of Mozilla Firefox. These add-ons provide a
variety of tools which make troubleshooting websites much easier. Get
Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection and take it for a spin to see what it
can actually do for you!

 · It can open one or more local files and/or URLs in all installed versions of Mozilla Firefox with a single click

· It can appear in the context menu of Windows Explorer, so a file can
be opened in every installed version of Mozilla Firefox directly

· It can display the version number of Mozilla Firefox in the titlebar

· It includes a number of window resizing options for the Web Developer
add-on, settings for all common resolutions like 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x1024, 1440x900 and 1600x1200 are included

· It can be installed for all users, so it’s available for everyone

· It can be installed and used silently, it’s possible to create an
unattended installation and use all functions using command line

· It even works under the most restricted user accounts after
installation, only the installation needs to be done by someone with
Administrator privileges


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