Saturday, 28 July 2012


Posted By: Mahey - 02:41:00


AVG Antivirus 2011 (Fake) is a sneaky application
which has stolen this name from one completely legitimate anti-virus
solution also called AVG Antivirus and Security software. At this point
we should warn you that if you need this application, download it only
from official AVG website
If program called AVG Antivirus 2011 starts appearing on your computer
out of nowhere, you should run alternative security solutions to check
your system for malware because there is a huge possibility that program
is fake. It is just another variant of Rogue:Win32/FakeXPA, earlier
being called Antivirus 8.
AVG Antivirus 2011 (Fake) mostly applies Trojans for its secret
intrusion and also uses fake scan websites distributing this fabricated
clone. So, be aware about clicking on random pop-ups mostly appearing
out of nowhere, because some of them are bundled with Trojans that will
additionally download AVG Antivirus 2011 (Fake).

As a rule, AVG Antivirus 2011 (Fake version) starts interrupting into
every your browsing session with scanners that are absolute fake. By
reporting invented viruses or legitimate your system files, malware
expects you to pay for its licensed copy. However, such version is does
not even existent as it is designed to increase the income for scammers
(Innovagest2000 SL Company). The only way to stop this scamware is to
uninstall AVG Antivirus 2011.

Fake version of AVG Antivirus 2011 will start showing various disturbing
alerts. These alerts are more detailed or scary than ones of legitimate
antiviruses. For example, it might show following







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