Tuesday, 15 March 2016

USB Disk Security 6.8 Full Version

Posted By: Mahey - 08:20:00

USB Disk Security 6.5 Crack is protect your PC and Laptop from all kind of viruses. It is best antivirus software for your PC. It provides the best protection against any threats when using USB drives. USB disk security 6.5 will give you effective protection for your computer against various threats that spread via USB devices including USB flash drive, memory card, flash memory, USB hard-drive and all other removable storage media devices.

Features of USB Disk Security 6.8 Crack:-USB Disk Security 6.8 Key also given in it, It is genuine software that is loaded with many advanced tools and features that not just only protects your system from USB but from many other external devices like Micro SD Card and many other devices that holds storage. It also includes the flash memory and all type of removable data storage devices.

  • Best solution to USB Virus.

  • 100% Protection and make secure.

  • Easy to use and best Antivirus.

  • Fastest and lightest security software.

  • Compatible with all popular Windows platforms.

  • Its a easy to Convenient and make full protection.

  • Block known and unknown threats from removable media.

  • Make Protect You by any kinds of virus, Spyware and USB virus    

  <----------------- Install Setup ----------------->

1. Run 'USB Disk Security Setup.exe' and Install

2. After installation don’t open `USB Disk Security` or Exit the `USB Disk Security`.

3. Open the Folder "Crack(Manual Patch)" and Copy 'USBGuard.exe'.

3. Go to Location C:\Program Files\USB Disk Security\... Paste... and Replace.

4. Open (USB Disk Security)'USBGuard.exe'.

5. Input Name and Serial on Activate Product:

Name: AbeGunnerZ

Serial: 5550690

6. Worked and Enjoy!!


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